- The emergence of fusion energy
- WEBINAR: The forces and sources of change in the global energy economy
- WEBINAR: Decarbonization: The dilemna for Canada
- WEBINAR: Balancing energy, environment and the economy
- WEBINAR: Understanding the fundamentals of fission and fusion
- WEBINAR: Just what does Net-Zero even mean?
- WEBINAR: Emerging technologies that address climate change
- WEBINAR: The pathway to sustainability
- WEBINAR: The pathway to sustainability Part 2
- Alberta’s success in reducing emissions
- Market forces will govern the pace of energy transition
- Decarbonization – The Inconvenient Truth
- Decarbonization – Reason over emotion
- Decarbonization – The impediments of passion and politics
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind Part 2
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind on energy
- Alberta is committed to emissions reduction
- The role of hydrogen in Alberta
- Alberta is high on hydrogen
- Revitalization of nuclear energy
- Revitalization of nuclear energy – Part 2
- Leadership and the options for resolving chaos
- The importance of values in defining great leaders
Today’s guest, Axel Meisen, explains nuclear fission and fusion, and the significant contributions each is expected to make for meeting the increasing global demand, and decarbonization, of energy in the long term.
The series was produced by KEI Network for Troy Media.
We welcome your comments below.
Bios of our moderator and today’s guest:
Eddy Isaacs

Eddy Isaacs
Eddy Isaacs is the former CEO of Alberta Innovates – Energy & Environment Solutions and is currently the President of Eddy Isaacs Inc. and a Strategic Advisor to the University of Alberta, Faculty of Engineering.
Eddy has spent his career promoting innovation in energy and the environment across Canada and in forging partnerships between industry, government and academia. In 2014, he received the ASTECH Foundation’s award for his outstanding contribution to the Alberta science and technology community.
He has served as co-Chair of the Energy Technology Working Group of the Canadian Council of Energy Ministers. He is regularly called upon to provide expert opinion and insight into Alberta’s future in energy and environment.
Eddy holds a PhD from the University of Alberta and a B.Sc. from McGill University. He has over 80 publications and six patents in the energy field. He is currently the President-elect of the Canadian Academy of Engineering. He also serves as a Board Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Council of Canadian Academies; the Scientific Advisory Committee for the NRG-COSIA X-Prize; and the External Advisors’ Panel of the Auditor General of Alberta. Eddy is a Troy Media Thought Leader. For interview requests, click here.
Axel Meisen

Axel Meisen
Axel Meisen was elected President of the Fusion Energy Council of Canada at the annual General Meeting held in September 2021, after having served as Interim President since January 2021.
Axel held the inaugural Chair in Foresight at the Alberta Research Council, after serving as president of Memorial University of Newfoundland, president of the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, and Dean of Applied Science and Professor of Chemical Engineering at The University of British Columbia. He was appointed to the Order of Canada in 2008. He currently advises boards and senior management in Canada and abroad on strategy development of major initiatives with long-term time horizons.
Dr. Meisen has Bachelor, Master, and doctorate degrees in Chemical Engineering from Imperial College London, California Institute of Technology, and McGill University, respectively. Axel is a Troy Media Thought Leader. For interview requests, click here.
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