- The emergence of fusion energy
- WEBINAR: The forces and sources of change in the global energy economy
- WEBINAR: Decarbonization: The dilemna for Canada
- WEBINAR: Balancing energy, environment and the economy
- WEBINAR: Understanding the fundamentals of fission and fusion
- WEBINAR: Just what does Net-Zero even mean?
- WEBINAR: Emerging technologies that address climate change
- WEBINAR: The pathway to sustainability
- WEBINAR: The pathway to sustainability Part 2
- Alberta’s success in reducing emissions
- Market forces will govern the pace of energy transition
- Decarbonization – The Inconvenient Truth
- Decarbonization – Reason over emotion
- Decarbonization – The impediments of passion and politics
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind Part 2
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind on energy
- Alberta is committed to emissions reduction
- The role of hydrogen in Alberta
- Alberta is high on hydrogen
- Revitalization of nuclear energy
- Revitalization of nuclear energy – Part 2
- Leadership and the options for resolving chaos
- The importance of values in defining great leaders
Today’s guest is Yogi Shulz (see his bio below). This episode explores decarbonization for addressing climate change and specifically discusses how reason should trump emotion.
The series was produced by KEI Network for Troy Media.
We welcome your comments below.
Bios of today’s moderator and guest:
Yogi Schulz

Yogi Schulz
Yogi Schulz was a founding partner at Corvelle Consulting, which specializes in project management and information technology related management consulting. Corvelle works primarily in the upstream oil and gas industry. Yogi has led the selection and implementation of geotechnical, field operations, production revenue accounting, and land and contracts systems.
It clients include BP, Cenovus, Crescent Point, Encana, Enerplus, Imperial Oil, NuVista, PetroCanada, Statoil, Talisman, and TransCanada.
Yogi has over 40 years of Information Systems experience, 30 of which have been spent as a consultant. Prior to founding Corvelle, he worked as a senior consultant with DMR Group Inc.
He holds a B. Comm. from The University of Calgary, is a member of CIPS and holds its ISP designation. He served as a member of the Board of Directors of the Professional Petroleum Data Management (PPDM) Association for 20 years.
Yogi led a major project at the ERCB that developed and rolled out the Enhanced Production Audit Program (EPAP) to the Alberta oil and gas industry. Subsequently, Yogi led a similar project for the Ministry of the Economy (ECON) in Saskatchewan. He also collaborated with the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) pipeline engineers to develop a better, faster, cheaper pipeline Safety and Loss Management Systems (SLMS) self-assessment process.
Yogi has presented at many oil and gas and information technology conferences. Yogi writes a regular blog for ITWorldCanada.com and a column for Troy Media. Yogi is a Troy Media Thought Leader. For interview requests, click here.
Ron Murch

Ron Murch
Ron Murch has over 40 years of experience working with computer-supported information systems. Within educational institutions, oil and gas firms, and civic government, his experience includes direct work experience with Information Systems planning, systems analysis, design and development, project leadership and managing professional staff. Ron spent several years as a manager with the management consulting practice of Deloitte Haskins + Sells, and from 1985 through 1991 he was responsible for establishing and leading the Information Technology Support Team for the Haskayne School of Business.
He holds certifications as an Information Systems Professional (I.S.P.), an Information Technology Certified Professional (ITCP) and a Certified Computing Professional (CCP).
As a full-time faculty member from 1985 until his formal retirement in 2008, Ron taught extensively in both undergraduate and MBA Programs. He has been actively involved in the school’s Executive and Management Leadership Programs. From 1991 through 1994, he was the Director of the University of Calgary’s Executive Development Program and from August 1994 to January 1996, he was seconded to be the Executive Director of the Banff School of Advanced Management. He has instructed Information Technology courses in the undergraduate, MBA and Executive MBA programs. He was the Acting Director of the MBA in Enterprise Development in 1997 and was Chair of the University’s Technology Task Force from September 1997 to July 1998. From 1999 to 2000, Ron was also the Acting Director of the Professional/Evening MBA Program.
From July 2002 to July 2005, Ron was the Chair of the Management Information Systems area of the Haskayne School. Ron is a Troy Media Thought Leader. For interview requests, click here.
About KEI Network
The company began when founder Perry Kinkaide immigrated to Canada from the United States to study the brain and behaviour. Over the next 50 years his careers in academia and government and corporate and non-profit sectors have led to the development of an extraordinary network of over 20,000 contacts: experts and entrepreneurs, academics and government leaders, corporate giants, professionals and non-profit associations. His experience and contacts constitute the KEI Network, giving it the extraordinary capability of organizing and referring, informing and advising, mentoring and investing – always with his clients’ success in mind.
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