- The emergence of fusion energy
- WEBINAR: The forces and sources of change in the global energy economy
- WEBINAR: Decarbonization: The dilemna for Canada
- WEBINAR: Balancing energy, environment and the economy
- WEBINAR: Understanding the fundamentals of fission and fusion
- WEBINAR: Just what does Net-Zero even mean?
- WEBINAR: Emerging technologies that address climate change
- WEBINAR: The pathway to sustainability
- WEBINAR: The pathway to sustainability Part 2
- Alberta’s success in reducing emissions
- Market forces will govern the pace of energy transition
- Decarbonization – The Inconvenient Truth
- Decarbonization – Reason over emotion
- Decarbonization – The impediments of passion and politics
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind Part 2
- Decarbonization – How the world has lost its mind on energy
- Alberta is committed to emissions reduction
- The role of hydrogen in Alberta
- Alberta is high on hydrogen
- Revitalization of nuclear energy
- Revitalization of nuclear energy – Part 2
- Leadership and the options for resolving chaos
- The importance of values in defining great leaders
The series was produced by KEI Network for Troy Media.
We welcome your comments below.
Bios of our moderator and today’s guest:
Eric Newell

Eric Newell
Moderator Eric Newell’s career began with Imperial Oil and Esso, where his skills as an engineer and manager made him a valuable asset. He was frequently sent “on loan” to sites across North America, moving through postings in 15 different cities over the first 20 years of his career before moving to Alberta in 1986. His temporary assignment with the Syncrude oil sands development in northern Alberta became permanent and Eric and his wife, Kathy, settled their family in Fort McMurray. Eric’s responsibilities with Syncrude quickly grew to include service as president, CEO and chairman of the board of directors. Eric is a Troy Media Thought Leader. For interview requests, click here.
David Parker

David Parker
David Parker is Managing Director of Parker and Associates (focused on lobbying provincial and federal governments); Director of Field Operations for the Kevin Falcon Leadership Campaign; active in the formation of policy for the Federal Conservative Party of Canada and the United Conservative Party, particularly with regard to examining the relationship between populism at a regional level and Canadian sovereignty and free trade; Vice President for The Canadian Centre for Ethics in Government and Society; Formerly Director of Field Operations for the Erin O’Toole Leadership Campaign; Head, Office of Minister of International Trade; Policy Advisor to Minister of Canadian Heritage; has managed ten political campaigns, including overseeing successful campaigns for MPs and councillors; Regional Advisor for the Prairies to former Prime Minister Stephen Harper. David is a Troy Media Thought Leader. For interview requests, click here.
Energy transition won’t be easy, especially in Canada by Jock Finlayson and Denise Mullen
Bold vision without a solid grasp of the facts and context and a realistic plan of execution amounts to hallucination
The opinions expressed by our columnists and contributors are theirs alone and do not inherently or expressly reflect the views of our publication.
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